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  • Do you have evening or weekend hours for hair services?
    Currently, we provide hair services until 5 pm during the week and one Saturday per month. Family time is extremely important to us; therefore, services are not provided, regularly, during these times. However, if you would like to request a service during these hours, please note that there is an overtime fee which is the equivalent of the service charge plus 50%. These requests are honored at the stylist discretion and availability is not guaranteed. All requests can be completed via call or text.
  • Do you offer braiding classes?
    We sure do! Inquiries about braiding classes should be requested via, call, text, or email. Group classes are offered periodically throughout the year. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about the courses.
  • Should I wash my hair prior to my braiding appointment?
    Absolutely. All braiding services require hair to be freshly shampooed, product free, and comb blow dried. Your hair does not have to be bone straight, however, it must be properly stretched and not tight curled toward the scalp.
  • What should I do if my starter locs start to unravel or look messy?
    Be patient. Make sure you are not using a durag or bonnet to sleep in at night. The elastic and string on these items can create tension and pulling on your locs which can cause them to lose their form. The locing process is all about training your hair to do something that you wouldn't normally have it to do. Some fuzziness is to be expected during this time. If you have many locs to unravel, please contact us by sending a picture as soon as you notice the change.
  • Can I wash my hair with my braids in?
    Shampooing is only recommended for box braids or small feed in braids worn longer than 30 days. Your hair is tucked during your braiding service. Frizzing should be minimal but expected after shampooing. Depending on your curl pattern and texture, shampooing could cause more frizz and fly away than you anticipate. If this happens, use a firm hold styling mousse, satin scarf, and sit under a hooded dryer for about 20 minutes for frizz reduction. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
  • Can I get my locs re-twisted sooner than the recommended 4 week period or can I wait longer than 6 weeks to get a re-twist?
    Re-twists outside of a 4–6-week period is strongly discouraged. Everyone's locs are unique and can have different needs. Re-twisting outside of the 4–6-week period can cause unnecessary damage to the hair over time. Over twisting and under-twisting creates excessive tension on the hair and scalp. This could result in loc breakage and thinning over the life of your locs and is extremely unhealthy. Please consult with your stylist about touch up options or spacing appointments to meet your particular needs.
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